Tuesday, October 14, 2014

2 Ingredients Strawberry-Icecream Bread 2 材料草莓雪糕麵包

Yes, only 2 ingredients and you can have a loaf of heavenly nice bread infront of you, which you can cut off all the hassle:
ⓧwait for the mixture to proof
ⓧknead knead knead (if you do not have a bread maker)
ⓧwait for the final proofing

ⓧ揉到手軟 (如果沒有麵包机)

Actually this is the second time i made this, the first time i tried this recipe was before i start blogging. And im very happy, as for this time, my icecream bread look+taste sooo much nicer than the first time. 其實這是我第二次弄這,第一次是在我還未開始寫部落格之前。高興的是,這次弄的,比起第一次弄的,好看+好吃很多囉 ^__^

The taste? HEAVEN❣❣❣❣ 口感?一流 ❣❣

❀ 2 cup strawberry icecream 草莓雪糕
❀ 1.5 cup self raising flour 自發粉
❀ some strawberry chocolate chip 草莓巧克力粒

1) preheat oven at 160° 預熱烘爐
2) mix the melted icecream with flour 把溶化了的雪糕參入粉
3) mix in chocolate chip 加入巧克力粒
4) bake for 35minutes 烘35 分鐘


The ingredients 材料

Lovely strawberry chocolate chip 草莓巧克力粒

Yup, i simply lined the loaf tin. Ugly yeh... 亂亂鋪的烘培紙,夠醜

The melted icecream (",) 溶化了的雪糕

Flour + icecream 粉+雪糕

Added in the chocolate chip 加入巧克力粒

In the baking 烘啦

Tadaaa... 登場囉。。。


Look at the skin, so smooth right 看看那滑滑的麵包皮

Guess this is the easiest bread recipe, definitely will try with more icecream flavors with different filling 這想必是最簡易的麵包食譜了,我會再試用其他口味的雪糕。。。


Note: the bread taste as nice next day, texture not dry at all (kept in air-tight container)
注:面包在隔天仍然很好吃,一點都不會乾 (收在密封容器裡) 


  1. I would like to try this recipe but wonder how much ice cream is 2 cups. Can you please indicate the volume in ml. Thank you very much and look forward to more recipes.

    1. Hi, you have to use baking measurement cup, if to convert into ml, it would be around 240ml
