Sunday, November 2, 2014

Heart♡Shape Tamagoyaki 心形早餐蛋卷

好累啊。。兩個寶寶都病了,整個星期又拉肚子又嘔吐的,而且bb charlize 拉肚子就像火山爆發那樣可怕。。。弄得我們做爹爹媽咪的筋疲力盡,很累,很忙,最后,我自己終於在昨天病倒了。其實一開始就是bb megan因為跌倒后不停嘔吐,所以進了醫院,醫生診斷她是腦震盪,過后把嘔吐及下泄的細菌傳了給bb charlize, 而且情況更糟,看來要看第二次醫生了 :(
What a tiring week for us, haih, as both bb are sick, been vomitting and diarrhea for almost a week, and i finally wave my white flag due to fever yesterday. It was started from bb megan, admitted hospital due to her falldown on her head and thereafter vomitting horribly. Doctor has done a scan and conclude this as concussion, and she has been observed in hospital for almost 24 hours. But our worries do not stop here, as she continues her vomitting after meals, and she started to have diarrhea. After few days while we notice she is getting better, bb charlize gotten the virus and vomit + diarrhea, which her condition looks much much more serious than bb megan. Not much improvement after seen doc, guess need to see doc again :(

就這樣,這星期沒有時間也沒有閒情弄蛋糕。今天由于bb megan 的胃口已稍為恢復,所以就花點心思,弄了這心形早餐蛋卷,她也欣然吃了"兩顆心" ^__^  Thats the reason why i have no time and no mood for baking this whole week. Since bb megan has shown some improvement on her appetite, i have made these "heart shape tamagoyaki", and happy to see that she has finished "2 hearts" ^__^

Actually these tamagoyaki are very simple to make, preparation is simple too. You just need: ~ 4-5eggs, some chopped carrot, some broccoli florets, and butter 其實這道早餐做法簡單,材料準備也簡單,妳只需要:~ 4-5 粒雞蛋,胡蘿蔔碎,椰菜花,牛油。

Please refer pic below, 請看圖吧:

For step 3: Roll up the egg from one side to center, leave some egg not to roll up, gently pull the whole egg to the side you had started to roll the egg, pour in yolk mixture to the space you have (since you have pulled the whole egg to the side), and start rolling up again to the center, just repeat


After cutting the pieces diagonally, just flip over one of it, and form a ♡ Shape (",) 

No petience, not so nice 沒有耐心,弄得不美

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