
Monday, February 16, 2015

咩咩meh-meh 喜洋洋 cookie


看到很多人弄羊cookie, 我也湊湊熱鬧,弄個林太版本的肥咩咩喜洋洋cookie ^___^

昨夜邊做邊唱:"Timmy.... its Timmy... hes the little lamb needs alot to learn... Timmy..."心想寶貝megan 一定會喜歡,但半夜寶貝突然發高燒,今早她看到很開心,但不能吃先囉,haih.....
今早post上facebook 很多人都說這些肥肥羊平時一定是吃好料,非常很可愛,haha 

用的是German Cookie 食譜,果真melt in mouth 入口即溶,很喜歡。

125g 牛油只弄了14粒啊,如果不是為了弄咩咩咩造型,應該可以弄得更多。而且還忙碌了2個鐘頭。如果簡單簡單圓形的話,應該少過1個鐘頭可以搞掂,haha

Recipe 食譜:
125g SCS butter 牛油
125g potato starch 馬鈴薯粉
80g super fine flour 特幻粉
40g icing sugar 糖粉

Method 做法:
whisk or beat butter + icing sugar till fluffy 牛油 + 糖粉打/攪拌至鬆發
Sift in both potato starch and flour 篩進粉類
Black sesame as sheeps' eyes 眼睛是用黑芝麻
Bake in preheated oven at 160° for 16-17minutes 預熱烘爐160° 烘16-17minutes



Top left: the special one, wearing shawl, haha 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Pineapple Cookies 鳳梨餅

第一次做的,有點不滿意,因為沒有涂夠蛋黃,所以這些鳳梨餅都不夠金黃色,下次吧 ☺ 但味道好吃,用的是SCS牛油,香喔 😙

- 1/2 block of SCS Butter (125g) 牛油
- 200g super fine flour 特幻粉
- 30g custard powder 蛋黃粉
- 35g icing sugar 糖粉
- 1 egg yolk 蛋黃
**Pineapple paste i bought pre-made one**


1) icing sugar + butter,  combine well
2) add in egg yolk, combine well
3) sift in super fine flour + custard powder
3) roll out the mixture 10-15g eac, and pineapple paste 5-8g each
4) roll the cookies into desired shape 
5) use fork or knife to draw some lines (i only draw some of the cookie, lazy) 用叉或刀刮几條線 (我只弄了几粒,懶惰)
6) brush on some egg yolk 掃上蛋黃液 
7) bake in preheated oven at 160° for 20-25minutes
