
Friday, April 17, 2015

Butterless cake (but cheesecake-alike)



這就是倒扣后的它,沒有了圓圓的頂部,還多了些線條,所以東想西想后,還是把它再裝飾裝飾比較好。由於我都已經用粉紅色拉了蛋糕邊線,還有頂部的粉紅色心形(或蝌蚪),我想再簡單的加上几片士多啤梨(草莓) 就可以囉 ^___^

Recipe 食譜在這,只是這次我沒參可可粉,沒有把蛋糕弄成斑馬囉。。但口感還是很好,像cheesecake, 不錯哦,那當然是有可可粉會更好吃的囉。。

- 把一半原先的蛋糕糊倒進蛋糕盤,延着邊pipe或擠出參好的粉紅色蛋糕糊,然後倒入其餘原先的蛋糕糊 (errr, 會confuse 嗎?) 
- 上面隨意的滴下粉紅色蛋糕糊,然後用牙簽拉花

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Sunday, April 12, 2015

小寶貝 Charlize 的 2yo Birthday

Full of love, full of wishes, a Lollipop Snow Cheesecake, for my 2yo daughter, Charlize's birthday.

This is a snow cheesecake which i have made one before for my hubby's birthday. For recipe, please refer here.

To cover the wall, instead of using kitkat, i have used Apollo, chocolate wafer stick, my all time favorite since small  😄

I have also used heartshape marshmallows to form a line at the middle of each wall, and a korean strawberry (not cheap oh) lying on top of the marshies.

Bought those lovely lollipops from Candylicious (not cheap too oh), haha...

But but but!!!
Guess what? Normally when our meal is finished, time for cake cutting righ? We waited for a long time for the cake to be taken out, which no one knows why, when the cake was finally here, after some simple birthday song singing and cake cutting, the first bite of the cake: huh... the cake wasnt chilled enough 😒😒{•︵•} cant even taste the cold icecream powder cheesy cream, arrggh... well, lesson learnt: next time whenever a cake is passed to restaurant's waitress/waiter, is a must to double check.

媽咪永遠愛妳,紫禧 Charlize😙😙😙😙😙😙